Friday, February 5, 2016

Welcoming Challenging Times

Challenging Times ?

Hi friends,

Many times we have challenging times and feel we are on the bottom of the waves.

Did it happen to you?

It has happened to me many times.

Its only now that I understand, that those are teaching moments.

We just have to stay still......

Waiting for the next wave to take us back to the crest.

There have been many teachings about challenging times.

One that really rang a bell for me was that passage through the desert in the scriptures.

Moises took the jewish people for hundreds of years walking through the desert....

Facing many challenging times...

Those times were purifying periods, to reflect, to leave on the path everything that was not needed.

After those purifying times... they were ready to arrive to the Promise Land.

If you are having or will have a challenging time, welcome them as Blessings....

They are guiding you to the Promise Land or to the Crest of the wave.

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