Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Practicing "No Reaction"

Hi my friends,

I am back again..... after several days without writing.

I only write when I feel inspired....so I never force myself....until those moments arise.

I am working on my "Non Reaction" Agenda and its pretty interesting.

This morning I received a kind of Negative Feedback from a person.

My first reaction was to answer.....

However, after a little while......the awareness of "Non Reaction" manifested and I thought.............

"This is a good time to apply the "Non Reaction Principles"........... so I did.

I am very happy of not having been caught in a Toxic Field of Energy... so that is good.

I felt very proud of my reaction....

Will keep you posted regarding my journey of "Non Reaction".....

Until then......

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Accepting the Present Moments as Is

9 days ago I decided to start a Detox from my Body and Soul.

I am on my 9th day of Detoxing and I am starting to free myself from the World of Forms.

I was tired of carrying my old patterns and suffering for the same things.

I realized that it was only me alone who could walk through this journey

I knew intellectually what I had to do but was not able to experience it like the beginning of an awakening.

Its a journey.....

Im starting to accept the Present Moment As Is  and freezing my story and the thoughts of my  mind.

Its not an evident journey,,,,and sometimes I get trapped by my thoughts.

I am walking alone through this path and I feel much more solid and grounded.

My fears are starting to diminish and I have much more energy to focus on the Essence of Life.

Every day I have a new awakening  and I am discovering a new way of walking through this path.

This journey started when I was 16 when I felt I was drawn to a spiritual life.

For different reasons that was not my time.

My time arrived and I am starting a New Journey of Light.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Do You Often Lose Track?

Do you often lose track?

I often do......smile...

Being born with Creativity, Innovating Ideas and Out of the Box Characteristics......

Its very easy to lose track...

As my father would tell me "Dear you have inherited from others"  smile

Saying that........

I have found some tools that are useful to get me on track again....

  • I  only focus on what I can control myself
  • I dont lose energy on things that are beyond my control
  • I sleep regularly 8 hours a day
  • I am  aware of drinking 8 glasses of water a day
  • I eat a lot of green juices to detox
  • I pick a task where I can be fully present for some hours....as correcting data on reports
  • I concentrate on cleaning my kitchen until its spotless
  • I pick up a station of my closet and I detox it.

Ok my friends, as you see I have an interesting task for today

Will keep you posted on the advances on Keeping on Track.....

Friday, February 5, 2016

Welcoming Challenging Times

Challenging Times ?

Hi friends,

Many times we have challenging times and feel we are on the bottom of the waves.

Did it happen to you?

It has happened to me many times.

Its only now that I understand, that those are teaching moments.

We just have to stay still......

Waiting for the next wave to take us back to the crest.

There have been many teachings about challenging times.

One that really rang a bell for me was that passage through the desert in the scriptures.

Moises took the jewish people for hundreds of years walking through the desert....

Facing many challenging times...

Those times were purifying periods, to reflect, to leave on the path everything that was not needed.

After those purifying times... they were ready to arrive to the Promise Land.

If you are having or will have a challenging time, welcome them as Blessings....

They are guiding you to the Promise Land or to the Crest of the wave.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

My Little Tool Box

My Little Tool Box

I consider myself an intuitive person.....I see it as a gift.

My mother was very intuitive too so it comes in the genes.

Most of my life I made my decisions following my intuitions and everything went well.

Nowadays I found a new tool inside  my Little Tool Box which I want to share with you.

Each time I have to make a decision following my Intuition I do the following:

I sit on the couch.....I listen to some calm music....I place one of my hands in my chest and the other one on top of my throat.

I start breathing gently and very peacefully...

I feel the air going up and down....

Thoughts come and go.......

I let them pass....

And I focus myself in feeling that air coming up and down.

A beautiful soft and relaxing sensation.

I enjoy the moment....

I continue doing it until I receive a sign that its ok.

Afterwards, in a more state of awareness,

The answer appears more clearly.....

And finally I realize if it is an...

Intuition or an Impulse

This simple little tool makes my life more grounded and calm

Monday, February 1, 2016

A Step Forward

Going another step forward on the process of detoxing I have committed myself to reduce my time on the social medias.

I have many real friends in facebook which I have met in different journeys during my lifetime and love to be in contact with them.

I have set a time in the early evenings to review my facebook posts.

Im setting aside more time to
listen to music
listen to my inner self.

I always had difficulties in journaling however now I am inspired in writing the signs that I can surely get in the moments of stillness.

I am really enjoying this new detoxing journey  and I will keep you posted on the evolution of this amazing process.

Sunday, January 31, 2016


For different reasons during these last two years I have been gaining weight and was difficult for me to get on a focus diet.

However the time arrived.
I got last Tuesday a very bad cold and my immunity system was affected by the cold weather and perhaps other circumstances.

I decided to start a detox for my body and soul.

For detoxing my body I started to drink lots of water with slices of cucumber and some drops of natural grapefruit juice. Ginger and Tumeric teas, and one small Kale salad with an egg a day to maintain my proteins on level.

For detoxing my soul, I started listening to music which I love and which highers my level of vibrations, I also started having more time to write and to be with my own essence, I did some earth grounding today as the weather was very beautiful.

In this process I have been loosing 7 pounds since Wednesday and I am very proud of my self of being able to allow this process to be.

I will keep on posting on this site as the process continues.

I you have any question just write me through private message.
